Here at Coachwhip Cafe we take sustainability serious. It’s not just a catch phrase, it’s an important part of our business model. We work hard to run a sustainable business. We partner with our local businesses to reduce our carbon footprint, we recycle, we compost, we use products that are sustainably sourced, good for the environment and the eastern Sierra. It costs more in dollar and time, but it’s an important part of who we are. We are investing in our future and creating a sustainable ecosystem here in the eastern Sierra & the Antelope Valley.
Sustainable Products
We have implemented a sustainable to-go container program. Many of our customers participate in this program purchasing these reusable containers for their meals. We also invest in our customers, for every container they buy we also buy one. When they order we place their meal in one of these containers. It’s like an exchange program, all they have to do is remember to bring it back. They are dishwasher safe and our number of participants continues to grow.
We recycle! Trash is a big issue of concern in the eastern Sierra. There are no “blue bins” here to be picked up and sent off to a recycling facility like there are in larger cities. In the eastern Sierra you are responsible for cleaning, sorting, and delivering recyclables to the local dump to be picked up and recycled. Spending a little extra time to recycle helps the eastern Sierra and our community.
We make a conscious effort to divert as much waste from our local landfill as possible. One way we do that is by sending all of our vegetable matter to a small business owners down the road. The vegetable scraps feed their pigs saving on the cost of feed and continuing the cycle of life. The total garbage produced at Coachwhip Cafe amounts to one residential trash can per week. It’s a beneficial partnership for everyone!
Recycling oil for Biofuel
All our fryer oil is picked up and recycled into bio fuel. We repurpose and properly recycle.
Partners in Sustainability
small businesses working together